Something astonishing I read today

Just as the heart beats in the darkness of the body,
so I, despite this cage, continue to beat with life.
Those who have no courage or honor
consider themselves free,
I am flying on the wings of thought,
and so, even in this cage,
I know a greater freedom.

-Abdur Rahim Muslim Dost, Guantanamo detainee from 1 May 2002 to 20 April 2005.  Currently disappeared in Pakistan and under fear of torture.  His Amnesty International link is here:

Source: p. 252 of “My Guantanamo Diary: The Detainees and the Stories They Told Me,” by Mahvish Rukhsana Khan.  An excerpt from pp. 256-257:

Writing was difficult because detainees weren’t allowed paper or pens.  Abdur Rahim improvised, using his fingernails to etch prose into Styrofoam cups.  The better ones, he memorized.  Later, he was able to use stationery provided by the Red Cross and even mail some of his poetry home.  In three years at Guantanamo, Abdur Rahim wrote more than 25,000 verses in Pashto.

~ by FinFlaneur on October 19, 2009.

One Response to “Something astonishing I read today”

  1. […] choice.  Luckily, the human organism has a tremendous capacity for imposing its will to choice, in even the most difficult circumstances.  Unfortunately, capacity does not equal results, and in a sense, our current economic/societal […]

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